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Photo Reproduction Fees

Columbia Gorge Discovery Center and Museum reserves the right to charge a fee for the staff time required to process photo requests. To order a reproduction of photos or printed documents in the CGDC Collections, fill out a Reproduction Order Form and submit your request to

Questions? Call 541-296-8600 ext. 242. If you leave a message, speak slowly and clearly. Give your name and phone number first, a short message, and end by repeating your name and slowly stating your phone number. (You would be surprised at how many people speed up as they recite their phone number, which can make it very difficult to understand).

Download a PDF of our CGDC Reproduction Order Form here.


• Contact Name
• Organization (if applicable)
• Shipping/Mailing Address
• City, State, Zip
• Phone number
• Email address


To order any photos, the Catalog Number is required. This is crucial for locating a single image among over 20,000 in our system. You will find the catalog number listed under the thumbnail of the image on our photo research page.


All photos provided through our Collections department are scanned at high resolution, usually 300 to 600 ppi, depending on the image. A fee will be charged, dependent on the intended use of the image.

• For Personal or Educational Research: $15 per image.
• Non Profit use: $25 per image
• Commercial use: $50 per image


• Research service is available as staff time permits for $50.00 per hour, 1/2 hour minimum.
• Photocopies are 50 cents each.
• We transfer high resolution images by Google Drive at no additional charge.
• If you require us to burn the image to DVD, there is an additional charge of $15 per disk.
• Shipping and handling additional, $15 minimum.


We require a signed acknowledgement that you have received and read our Copyright Guidelines and will accept the responsibility to determine copyright use under the Fair Use guidelines as defined by Title 17, Section 107 under the U.S. Copyright Act. Please understand that the fees being charged are for staff time only and do not guarantee you the right for reproduction on the internet or in any other commercial publication.


All credit for photos obtained through Columbia Gorge Discovery Center should be credited as “Image courtesy of Columbia Gorge Discovery Center.” If the initials “WCPA” appear in the catalog number, additional credit should be given to Wasco County Pioneer Association. If the initials “TDC” appear in the catalog number, additional credit should be given to The Dalles Chronicle.

All photos should be properly acquired through our Collections office. If it is watermarked or saved directly from our website or Facebook page, it is not to be used for public display on the internet, in a PowerPoint presentation, or any other commercial use.

For more information, call our Collections office at 541-296-8600 ext. 242, or email

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