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Columbia Gorge Discovery Center & Museum

Board of Directors

The Columbia Gorge Discovery Center and Wasco County Historical Museum came together early in their history to share resources and staffing.  The joint organization now functions as one entity.

– Dick Adkisson
– Candy Armstrong
– Robert Bailey
– Lucille Begay
– Marc Berry
– Art Carroll
– Jeanne Carver
– William G. Dick II – Co-chair
– Jill Durow
– Dan Ericksen
– Dan Harkenrider – Co-chair
– Jennifer Hattenhauer
– Randy Hilderbrand
– David Hoopes
– Stephanie Klindt
– John Krussow
– Sandi Olson
– Jeff Schilling
– Rosie Thomas Wiley
– Bill Weiler
– Carolyn Wood
– Genie Wood
– Sam Woolsey
– Chris Zukin

Partner Agency Representatives

Partner organizations help provide guidance on the Board of Directors which includes representatives from the USDA Forest Service, Columbia River Gorge Commission, and Wasco County.

Donna Mickley – USDA Forest Service
Dan Ericksen – Columbia River Gorge Commission
Rodger Nichols – Columbia River Gorge Commission
Phil Brady – Wasco County Commissioner

Emeritus Board Members
Brett Wilcox

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