Contribute to Columbia Gorge Discovery Center & Museum
The Columbia Gorge Discovery Center and Museum is an independent non-profit 501(c)3 organization and receives no tax support. We operate through earned income and the support of the public. Earned income comes from admissions, store sales, café and catering, and rental of the facility. In addition, we are supported through our membership program, donations, and interest disbursements from the Ernest Kuck Trust. Grant support is sought for numerous special projects, including equipment, programming, and new exhibits.
You can make a contribution in a variety of ways, through a MEMBERSHIP, with a DONATION or as a VOLUNTEER.
We solicit public support throughout the year, which may be donor allocated for general operations, the endowment campaign, or for a special current project. Contact our Executive Director, Cheryl Ragar, at 541-296-8600 ext. 245 or email cheryl@gorgediscovery.org to discuss your area of interest or make a tax deductible contribution today. You can also make a donation from our website.
As a bonus for those who pay taxes in Oregon, the Oregon Cultural Trust matching program provides a great incentive to donate. Just give an equal amount to the Cultural Trust and to our organization, and take the matching amount off the bottom line of your state taxes. Learn how it works by visiting http://www.culturaltrust.org/donate.