George Lawrence Company Catalog list
The George Lawrence Company began producing printed catalogs in 1894, starting with “Catalog #1”. It can be a challenge to sort these catalogs into the year they were printed, as many of them did not include a date of publication. This is often done with wholesale catalogs that may be intended for use longer than a standard calendar year.
In 2010 our museum, Columbia Gorge Discovery Center, received a massive donation of items from the George Lawrence Company, from William “Bill” Lawrence, the direct descendent and grandson of the founder. We have an exhibition featuring the tools used for manufacture of the products, and have catalogs on display. Many of these catalogs were the personal reference catalog used at the sales counter by the owners and salesmen, and may include hand-written notes about products and sales information.
While catalogs contain basic information, there isn’t always the level of detail we are asked for. We cannot provide you with current appraised value. The catalogs will contain the model number of the item, a very brief description, and the wholesale price of the item. (Remember, these wholesale sales catalogs were intended for the retailer to order product. The retailer set the price in their store to charge customers, which varied.) As mentioned above, we can’t always pin down the year the catalog was printed.
We have filed the list below in the order of the museum’s catalog accession number, which is essential for us to look up any specific information. We have only created PDFs of a few of these catalogs, which will be flagged after the description. We hope this list may help you in your research.
Requests to research any specific item will be processed as time allows. Apologies ahead of time – as we are a small team, it may take a while! Be aware we have over 140 sales catalogs and brochures in this collection and it is not always feasible for us to look in each one, but we’ll do our best to get you answers to your questions. For questions, please email collections@gorgediscovery.org.
Catalog Number | Description | |
2010.10.136 | – | The George Lawrence Co. Lettering in gold and cover is burgundy leather. |
2010.10.162 | – | Catalog, Light blues cover and back with picture of two golfers on front. The George Lawrence Co. Sporting Goods. |
2010.10.163 | – | Catalog for Shoe Repairers and Shoe Supplies. Brownish cover with black lettering. Has a picture of man standing with shoes. The George Lawrence Co. |
2010.10.164 | – | The George Lawrence Co. Shoe Repairers and Shoe Store Supplies. Black Leather cover and back. |
2010.10.165 | – | Brochure of Lawrence Harness. |
2010.10.166 | – | Lawrence Saddles and Chaps magazine ordering. Light cream color with picture of man riding horse. |
2010.10.166 | – | Lawrence Saddles and Chaps magazine ordering. Light cream color with picture of man riding horse. |
2010.10.378 | – | The George Lawrence Company Saddles, Harness, Collars ordering Catalog. Burgundy in color with black binding. |
2010.10.379 | – | The George Lawrence Company Saddles, Harness, Collars. ordering Catalog. Silver cover with blue lettering and black binding. |
2010.10.380 | – | 1897 (#2) The George Lawrence Company Season 1897 Supplement to Illustrated Catalog No. 2. For Leather, Saddlery Hardware, Collars, Whips, Etc. Light tan cover and back with black writing. |
2010.10.382 | – | The George Lawrence Co. Lettering in gold and cover is burgundy leather. |
2010.10.383 | – | The Geo. Lawrence Co. New Styles of Saddles. Wheat colored cover with black lettering. |
2010.10.696 | – | 1894 The George Lawrence Co. , No. II. Catalogue, 139 pages includes index. Mail order catalogue for advertising. Saddles harnesses, collars, whips, sleigh bells, hardware, buckles, chains, and misc. Black, hard cover with gold printed text on front cover. Front cover printed text reads: The George Lawrence Co. Front cover hand written text on white sticker with read border reads: Cat #1. Printed text on inside front cover, on stamp reads: MESTON-DYGERT BOOK MFG. Co., OLD OREGONIAN BUILDING, PORTLAND, OREGON Printed text on first page reads: John R. Lawrence. Items for sale in catalogue include but not limited to: saddles, harnesses, collar, whips, sleigh bells, misc. hardware, buckles, chains and misc. |
2010.10.697![]() |
– | 1896, George Lawrence Co. Illustrated Catalogue No. 2, with Price List, No. 20, circa. 1896, 143 pages. Blue soft-bound with black spine, two diagonal gold stripes, image of George Lawrence building and a saddle. Printed text on blue cover reads: The George Lawrence Co., Telephone 226, 74 FRONT STREET, PORTLAND, Ore., SADDLES, HARNESS, COLLARS, SADDLERY HARDWARE, and LEATHER, ESTABLISHED 1857, INCORPORATED 1893. SCHWAB BROS., PRINTERS. |
2010.10.698![]() |
– | 1900 Illustrated Catalogue and Price List, No. 3, Circa 1900, 192 pages with index. Advertised items include: saddles, harnesses, collar, whips, sleigh bells, hardware, buckles, chains and misc. Black cover, gold printed text. Front cover printed text reads: THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO. |
2010.10.699 ![]() |
– | 1921 General Catalogue, No. 8, 421 pages, includes index. Black, stiff paper cover bound together with peg binding using two peg. Gold print text on front cover reads: THE GEORGE LAWRENCE COMPANY PORTLAND, OREGON W.C. LAWRENCE. |
2010.10.700 ![]() |
– | 1921 General Catalogue, No. 10, circa. 1921, 421 pages with index. The George Lawrence Co., Portland, Oregon, Gold printed text on front cover reads: U. E. Daughterty. |
2010.10.701![]() |
– | 1914 Side Lines Supplementary Catalogue, 66 pages. Advertises Bags, Suit Cases, Trunks, Leather Novelties, Baseball Goods, Dog Collars, Sexto Razors, New Bits and Spurs, Etc. Yellow paper cover. Black and red printed text on front cover reads: SUPPLEMENTARY The George Lawrence Co. PORTLAND, OREGON. Hand written text in top, left corner reads: 1914. |
2010.10.702 |
– | 1905-1906 Winter Goods Catalogue, 21 pages. Yellow, softbound with red and black text on front cover. Advertises Robes, Blankets, Storm Fronts, Carriage Heaters Bells, Etc. The Geo. Lawrence Company PORTLAND, OREGON, U.S.A. Hand printed text written on cover reads: Geo. Lawrence Jr His Desk |
2010.10.703 ![]() |
– | 1915, Findings Catalog NO. 3. Paper cover with picture of George Lawrence Building on front. Black and red printed text on front cover reads: FINDINGS CATALOG NO. 3 THE GEO. LAWRENCE CO. ESTABLISHED 1857 SHOE FINDINGS LEATHER SHOE STORE SUPPLIES 80-82-84-86 FIRST STREET, PORTLAND, ORE. |
2010.10.704 ![]() |
– | 1927 Catalog, Automobiles Trimmers’ Body Builders’ and Upholsters’ SUPPLIES , 56 pages. Blue, soft cover with black print and a mustard colored pyramid and window on front cover, with car. Soiled cover front and back, three brown stains on lower left corner, top and bottom right corners turn up. Printed text on front reads: Automobiles Trimmers’ Body Builders’ and Upholsters’ SUPPLIES THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO. SERVING THE TRADE SINCE 1857 Portland Oregon The Lawrence Line. Hand printed text on front reads: Cat. Cut Room Do not take away. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO. |
2010.10.705 ![]() |
– | 1929 The George Lawrence Harness Catalog, 1929, 15 pages. Mail order catalog for advertising. Light weight, paper catalog flyer cover is pink and white in color. Printed black, brown and red text on front reads: The West’s Best for 72 years Your Name Here Town and State Lawrence Harness The George Lawrence Co., Portland, Oregon |
2010.10.706 ![]() |
– | 1930 The George Lawrence Co. Hatters and Bootblack Supplies Catalog, No. 10, 1930, 32 pages. Mail order catalog for advertising. Blue paperback cover with blue dark blue printing for words, yellow and dark blue design print. Print text on front covers reads: HATTERS AND BOOTBLACK SUPPLIES CATALOG No. 10 THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO. 80-82-84-86 FIRST STREET, PORTLAND, ORE. |
2010.10.707 | – | 1932 The George Lawrence Co. Sporting Goods Catalog, No. 13, January 21, 1932, 61 pages. Light green colored, paperback cover with red and black print. Design is of a man with fishing pole reaching for red and white fish in lake, Mt. Hood and green trees in the background. White silhouette images of sporting activities on black banner. Front cover creases: crease and tear at middle staple, lower left quadrant, lower right corner, top right quadrant. Back cover has a tear on lower right corner. Printed text on front reads: SPORTING GOODS CATALOG The GEORGE LAWRENCE CO. PORTLAND, OREGON “75 Years of Successful Merchantising” Established 1857 |
2010.10.708 ![]() |
– | 1932 George Lawrence Co., The West’s Finest Harness “Since 1857 Flyer”, 1932, 15 pages. Glossy, yellow and white, paper flyer with black print on front, two horses pulling hay wagon through hay field, man in foreground holing hay bundle. House and barn in background. Printed text reads: The West’s Finest Harness “Since 1857” Made in the Workshops of The George Lawrence Co., Portland, Oregon YOUR NAME HERE YOUR TOWN YOUR STATE. Written text upper right corner reads: Ap 1932. |
2010.10.709 ![]() |
– | 1934 George Lawrence Co. 1934 Harness and Saddlery, pages 31. Paper flyer, with Lawrence printed on a green banner, at top of page. Sketch of four horses with harnesses standing on a raised platform. Printed text on front cover reads: LAWRENCE 1934 HARNESS AND SADDLERY All Prices Subject to Change Without Notice HISTORICAL EXHIBIT “THE FARMER’S BIG HORSES” ADAPTED FROM THE MORNING OREGONIAN The Farmer’s Best Friend–Off the Shelf and Back to Work THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO. PORTLAND, OREGON SINCE 1857 |
2010.10.710 ![]() |
– | 1939 The George Lawrence Co., Flyer, The Possession of Good Equipment, 1939, pages 6. White page flyer with black printing and two men with a horse wearing saddle and rifle scabbard. Printed text on cover reads: THE POSSESSION OF GOOD EQUIPMENT IS HALF THE FUN ON ANY HUNTING OR FISHING TRIP GUS PERET FAMOUS AUTHOR, BIG GAME HUNTER, AND MARKSMAN FULLY APPROVES THE LAWRENCE LINE Mr. and Mrs. Peret on their home ranch at Yoncalla, Ore. The saddle is our No. 303, Rifle Scabbard No. 3 Mr. Peret wears a Special Quick Draw Holster made to his specifications by our Custom Department: Mrs. Peret our Regular 25 Holster. 1939 THE GEORGE LAWRENCE Co. 306 S. W. FIRST ANVENUE, PORTLAND, OREGON ESTABLISHED 1857 |
2010.10.711 ![]() |
– | 1942 The George Lawrence Leather Line Catalog, No. 42, 1942, pages 68, Index printed on back inside cover. Net Wholesale Price list bound into center of book. Paper tan color cover catalog with long, yellow leather strips hanging from brown saddle. Printed black text on front cover reads: Lawrence Leather Line, Catalog No. 42. The George Lawrence Company, Portland, Oregon, Established 1857. Contents include listings for Saddles, Harnesses, Holsters, Cartridge Cases, Dog Collars, Knife Sheaths, etc. |
2010.10.712 ![]() |
– | (#58) George Lawrence Leather Sporting Goods Catalog No. 58, 20 pages. Salmon colored paper cover with black banner at bottom, holster with pistol, and a man wearing spurs, a pistol holder and pistol held in right hand. Text on front cover reads: Over 100 Years of Fine Leather Craftsmanship Lawrence Leather Sporting Goods Catalog No. 58. |
2010.10.713 ![]() |
– | 1929 George Lawrence General Catalog NO. 10, August 15, 1929, 286 pages. Gold printed text on front reads: Charles Bohlman |
2010.10.714 ![]() |
– | The George Lawrence Company Saddles, Harness, Collars ordering Catalog, 134 pages. Red in color with black binding. Paper with black binding. Black, hand written text on the front reads: Estimates. |
2010.10.715 ![]() |
– | The George Lawrence Company Saddles, Harness, Collars. ordering Catalog. Lavender cover, with purple and gold lettering, and black binding. Text stamped in the upper right corner reads: S. C. Kennell |
2010.10.716 ![]() |
– | 1897 (#2) The George Lawrence Company Season 1897 Supplement to Illustrated Catalog No.2. For Leather, Saddlery Hardware, Collars, Whips, Etc. Light tan cover and back with black writing. |
2010.10.717 ![]() |
– | The George Lawrence Co., Catalog #4. The Lawrence Saddles Harness and Strap Work. Jobbers in leather, Horse Clothing, Saddlery Hardware and Tools, Whips, etc. etc. Portland, Oregon, U.S.A. Burgundy leather cover with gold colored lettering, 312 pages. Handwritten notes in pencil on several pages; typewritten note inserts. |
2010.10.718 ![]() |
– | 1902 (#4) The Geo. Lawrence Co. New Styles of Saddles; catalog #4. Wheat colored cover with black lettering. “Season 1902, New Styles of Saddles; manufactured by The Geo. Lawrence Co., 72 Front Street, Portland, OR., The Lawrence Saddles, New Designs, New Trees, New Prices, Always Leading in Style, Built For Hard Service, Best Skirting, Hardwood Trees.” 8 pages, handwritten notes in pencil. |
2010.10.719 ![]() |
– | Mail Order catalog. Cover reads: Winter List 1904-1905, Bells, Waterproof Goods, Horse Clothing, Lap Robes, The Geo. Lawrence Company, Portland, Oregon. Silver cover with black lettering, illustration of a couple on a sleigh with red border. 12 pages. Handwritten notes. |
2010.10.722 ![]() |
– | 1905 Revised Prices Applying To Catalog and Price LIst No. 4, SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. The George Lawrence Company Portland, Oregon. July 20,1905. Color is cream, with black lettering, printed on regular paper. The 16 page booklet is stapled together with two staples. Pencil mark in the lower left corner. Corner of the lower right corners are creased. Depth is lkess than .0625 inch. Numbers written in pencil on the second and last pages. Handwritten text in pencil on the front page reads: GEO. LAWRENCE Jr |
2010.10.723 | – | 1909 Jubilee Supplement Catalog No. 5, The Geo. Lawrence Co., Portland. Oregon, Catalog contains supplement catalogs: 398 pages. 1908 and 1909 Cover page text reads: “Wholesale manufacturers of harness and saddlery goods Jobbers of leather, whips, saddlery hardware, horse clothing, etc. etc. Established 1857; Buggy, Surrey, and Coach Harness; The George Lawrence Saddlers and Harness Makers Catalog No. 5. The catalog is covered in brown, soft leather and held together with a piece of rawhide string for the binding. |
2010.10.724 ![]() |
– | Mail order catalog, Winter Goods Price List, 1907-1908, robes horse blankets, bells and heaters, Waterproof Goods, Etc., General Saddlery Supply and Leather Warehouse, The Geo. Lawrence Co., Portland, Oregon, 20 pages. Light green cover with dark green lettering and horse on the front. Handwritten text in cursive writing on the front reads: (Illegible) to 10-1-07. |
2010.10.725 | – | Supplementary Catalog of Best Sellers in Harness and Saddles, 1914, Manufactured by The Geo. Lawrence Co., Portland, Oregon. Pink cover with picture of a horse team and cowboy. 120 pages. Pages are bound with two staples. |
2010.10.726 | – | 1918 Shoes — Sandals Scuffers, Seasonable Findings 1918, The Lawrence Line, Best by Test Since 1857, The Geo. Lawrence Co., Portland, Oregon, Service Satisfaction. Wheat covered cover, with picture of shoe on front page and 32 pages. |
2010.10.727 | – | (#5) Catalog No. 5, Automobile Trimmer’s, Upholsterer’s and Paint Shop Supplies, Light brown cover with black lettering. 56 pages. Blue handwritten text underlined in red, on the front cover, reads: Catalog Room Do not take. Staple binding. The Geo. Lawrence Company, 80-86 First Street, Portland, Oregon, Wholesale Distributors, Established 1857. |
2010.10.728 | – | 1918-19 Catalog, Shoe Findings-Leather, Shoe Store Supplies, Children’s Shoes, 216 pages. Blue hand written text on the front cover reads: Catalog Room Do Not take. Pencil writing in the top left corner of the front cover reads: #4. The Geo. Lawrence Company, 80-82-84-86 First Street, Portland, Oregon since 1857. |
2010.10.729 | – | 1919-1920 Catalog, Harness, Saddles, Chaps, , 132 pages. Yellow front and back covering with photo of two horses. Black and white pictures inside. Staple binding. Text reads: “Proven Best Sellers! From The Lawrence “Quality Lines, Produced in the Workshops of The Geo. Lawrence Co., Portland, Oregon “Serving the Trade since 1857”. |
2010.10.730 | – | Lawrence Traveling Goods catalog. Luggage, picnic and, camping supplies. Medium brown cover, black lettering on a red background which is surrounded by gold trim. Staple binding. 16 pages |
2010.10.731 | – | General Catalog No. 7. Purple cover with gold lettering. Binding with gold lettering. 505 pages. The George Lawrence Company, Portland, Oregon |
2010.10.732 | – | Leather Goods, Sporting Goods, Dog Furnishings, Gents’ Body Belts, Puttees, Portfolios, Novelties, 80-82-84-86 64 pages. Medium brown and light brown cover with brown wording. The George Lawrence Company, First Street., Portland, Ore., Established 1857. |
2010.10.734 | – | Shoe Repairers & She Store Supplies, The George Lawrence Co., Serving the Trade Since 1857, The Lawrence Line, Portland, Oregon. Catalog No. 5 has 96 pages. Light blue cover with a picture of a man wearing black shoes. A black shoe lace is running through a 0.185 inch hole in the top, left corner. |
2010.10.735 | – | It’s time for Fish Stories again, Season 1928, The George Lawrence Co., Portland, Oregon. Cover is light cream with a coffee pot, red and green wording. 13 pages. The thirteen pages are held together with two staples on the spine. Thickness is less than 0.0625 inch. |
2010.10.736 | – | Multnomah, Trunk & Bag Co., Portland, Ore., The George Lawrence Co., The Lawrence Line, Serving the Trade Since 1857, Portland, Oregon. The cover is maroon in color and has a look of leather, three 0.3125 inch holes are punched along the left edge. Two staples are used to hold the 48 pages together. Hand written numbers in the top, left corner reads: 1928. |
2010.10.740 | – | Sporting Goods, The George Lawrence Co, The Lawrence Line, Serving the Trade Since 1857, Portland Oregon. Light blue cover with picture of man and lady golfers on the front, carrying a golf bag. Trademark stamp on the back cover is of a man on a horse, with text that reads: The Lawrence Leather Line Catalog has 56 pages. An orange colored envelope measuring 6.5 inches x 9.5 inches, with pre-paid postage, is glued to the inside cover. The spine consists of three staples. Hand written text on front cover reads: gs 1931 Schar (partially illegible). Faint, green hand written text on the front cover reads: City Desk please return. |
2010.10.741 | – | The George Lawrence Co., The Lawrence Line, Portland, Oregon, Shoe Repairers and Shoe Store Supplies. The cover is a textured, brown paper, with black lettering, a man standing in front of a orange colored square, and shoes on his feet. The catalog has 80 pages. Hand written text on the first page reads: 1928 or ’29. |
2010.10.742 | – | The George Lawrence Company Catalog, 80-86 First Street, Portland, Oregon, Telephone Atwater 8244, Three Trunk Phone Lines, Shoe Repairers and Shoe Store Supplies, Serving the Trade Since 1857. Black Leather cover and back, 80 pages. Catalog appears to be a salesman’s book. Hand written text on the first page reads: W.C. Lawrence JR. The catalog was designed with graph paper throughout book for salesman’s note such as, notes, name of products and prices, and additions to the index. There is a loose sheet of paper, with a price list dated January 5, 1933, inside the front cover. Text written with pencil, on that price list reads: Bill. Ink stain on last pages. |
2010.10.743 | – | Advertising Mailer of Lawrence Harness for the purpose of mailing to homes and businesses. Text on the front reads: LAWRENCE HARNESS FOR. Other Post Office text regarding delivery is on the front. There are three line on the front for the recipient’s name and address. Some of the text on the back side reads: We’re Not Bashful The George Lawrence Co. Portland. Oregon. The mailer advertises harnesses, bridles, breast strap, traces, team lines, and harness oil. The advertisement is on piece of paper folded to create the 12 inches x 6.875 inches mailer. Black and orange print on shiny, cream- colored page. Depth is less than .0625. Also, included in the ad is a 50% off sale notice on blue paper with orange print. |
2010.10.744 | – | Lawrence Saddles and Chaps, The West’s Best Since 1857, Ranch, Tourist, Vacationist Supplement, The George Lawrence Co., 80 to 86 First Street, Portland, Oregon. Red and black lettering printed on shiny, cream-colored paper. Thickness is less than .0625 inch. |
2010.10.745 | – | The George Lawrence Co. Price List for Dealer. Color is faded green with black lettering. Purple stamped text on front reads: UPON RETURN OF FREIGHT RECEIVED WE WILL MAKE ALLOWANCE EQUALIZING FREIGHT RATES WITH S (ILLEGIBLE) FRANCISCO OR LOS ANGELES. A yellow sticky note, with 1930, was attached to the catalog. |
2010.10.746 | – | The Lawrence Handikit Toilet Case brochure. Color is light wheat with black lettering. Two sets of 15 orange-colored, horizontal line on the front. Depth of brochure is less than 0.0625 inch. Purple-colored stamped text on the front reads: RECEIVED MAY 28, 1930 G.L.C.O. Dark blue, hand written text on the front reads: KIT BOX. |
2010.10.747 | – | Printed text on the front of the advertising mailer reads: Landing a “Big One” for You! Good Tackle. Cream in color with man fishing and an orange sun on the front cover. The mailer is one large piece of paper measuring 24.875 inches x 19 inches folded to create the George Lawrence fishing equipment advertisement for fly books, Wonderkit Fish Tackle, license case, fish rod case, and fish basket straps. |
2010.10.748 | – | Lawrence Harness Catalog, 1931, 16 pages includes front and back covers. The cover has white writing on black and orange backgrounds, three white horses in a team harness, and an orange and gray background behind the horses. The pages are held together by two staples as a binding. Hand written notes consisting of words and numbers written throughout catalog. Text handwritten in pencil, on the front cover, reads: 1931. |
2010.10.749 | – | Text on front cover reads: LAWRENCE HARNESS THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO., PORTLAND, OREGON. 16 pages includes front and back covers. The front cover has white lettering on a brown background, and a green background behind three horses in a team harness. 75 years of successful marketing is noted on the front page. Pen and pencil notes containing words and numbers are written throughout catalog. A piece of blue, with pencil handwritten note inside the catalog appears to in reference to the Parkdale Harness, lines, collar, dimensions and prices. |
2010.10.750 | – | The George Lawrence Co. Guarantee Harness, Confidential Price List for Dealers. A light yellow paper, with black lettering, folded in half to create a page flier. The page is blank. A Lawrence Harness Trademark stamp is on the front page. Item is less than .0625 inch thick. |
2010.10.750 A | – | George Lawrence flier. Some of the printed text reads: -EVERYBODY Gets a Big Kick Out of Spring THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO. PORTLAND, OREGON. Printing on one side of the flier. Black and brown line across the top and bottom. |
2010.10.751 | – | The George Lawrence General Catalog No. 9, Fall of 1926, 302 pages. Black, Leather cover. Gold text on front cover reads: George Lawrence. |
2010.10.752 | – | The George Lawrence Co. Harness and Saddlery Catalog, 1935. Light cream colored cover, light colored printing on a rust colored banners, at the top and bottom of front cover, and three horses wearing harnesses. |
2010.10.753 | – | The George Lawrence Co. First Offering! New Styles in Lawrence Saddles, Fall of 1935. The mailer is cream in color, with black lettering, and a picture of man, woman, and a horse on a dirt road. The image displays a saddle and rifle scabbard. The mailer consists of 8 pages total, including the front and back pages. Handwritten pencil text above the postage mark reads: ’35. Recipient’s printed in black ink reads: W. B. NUTTING, GERVAIS, ORE.. |
2010.10.754 A | – | General Harness and Saddlery Catalog No. 25. The 142 page catalog has a textured, burgundy color cover constructed from an unknown material over a hard filler. Gold text in the lower right front corner reads: Will Lawrence. Purple text stamped on the cover page reads: RECEIVED APR 30 1936 G.L.C.O. |
2010.10.757 | – | The George Lawrence Co. Shoe Repairers and Shoe Store Supplies Catalog No. 16. The textured cover is light blue in color, has black lettering and man wearing a greenish-blue bathrobe, while trying on shoes. |
2010.10.759 | – | The George Lawrence Co. Shoe Repairers and Shoe Store Supplies. Light brown, textured cover front and back, black lettering, and orange square behind a man wearing a brown bathrobe over a suit. |
2010.10.760 | – | Lawrence Catalog of Saddles and Cowboy Equipment Catalog. The cover is a cream color on the upper, with man on horse ready to lasso a calf. The bottom half is orange with cream colored wording. The Lawrence Leather Line trademark in the lower right corner. The cream and orange color scheme carries over to the back cover and with a side profile of a cowboy with a rope. |
2010.10.761 A | – | Item 1) The George Lawrence CO. Harness and Saddlery 1938 Catalog. Black lettering on front cover with orange top and bottom, and gray in the middle. Catalog contains saddles, harnesses, bells, collars, hooks, buckles, dog leashes and much more. Item 2) Price and catalog changes price list, printed in black ink on one side. Item 3) 1938 Monthly Payment Order Form, six pages printed on green paper with black ink. Front page advertises two harness with prices. Two pages of prices, one order form, one page explains the payment procedure and plan. |
2010.10.762 | – | 1939 Catalog, 32 pages. Black, textured leather cover with white and gray highlights, resembles etched trees. Purple, handwritten text on the front page reads: 1939. The cover appears to be recycled from a 1934 cover. A date stamped in blue, on the front inside cover reads: FRB 15 1934. The George Lawrence CO. |
2010.10.763 A | – | (#40) Lawrence Leather Line. Catalog NO. 40. Front cover is red, with a silver saddle in a black square, black lettering, and black binding. Two staples were used create the binding. Hand written text, in pencil, below the “40” reads: (1940). Price list 2010.10.763 B was found inside catalog. |
2010.10.765 | – | The George Lawrence Company Leather Third Edition Sporting Goods and Saddles, 1940 mailer catalog. Light cream cover with brown lettering, man and horse with mountain scenery at a lake. Items advertised for sale in the catalog are holsters cartridge belts, cartridge cases, rifle scabbards, knife sheaths, fishing baskets, belts, saddles, reins, chaps and harnesses. Many reduced prices are handwritten in the catalog. Blue, handwritten text on the front cover reads: 1940 John Simon. Blue, handwritten text on the back cover reads: Exchange with page15. |
2010.10.766 | – | The George Lawrence Company Leather Sporting Goods and Saddles, 1943 edition, mailer catalog, 31 pages. The color of the cover is cream with brown lettering, picture of man and horse, standing by a lake, looking at the mountains. The catalog advertises holsters, ammunition belts, cartridge holders, scabbards, police equipment, fishing baskets, chaps, reins, saddles, and more. Also, a loose, yellow paper with black print, 7.6875 inches x 5.185 inches, regarding the War Protection Board Notice M-273 restrictions on the manufacturing of leather goods for fire arms, saddlery, harness and horse collars. The mailer catalogs were mailed to customers. |
2010.10.768 | – | 1944 The George Lawrence Company Leather Sporting Goods and Saddles mail ordering catalog with prices, 1944 First Edition. Cream colored, photo of man and horse next to a lake, mountain in the background, and brown lettering. The catalog advertises holsters, ammunition belts, cartridge holders, scabbards, police equipment, fishing baskets, chaps, reins, saddles, and more. Pages are held together with one staple. |
2010.10.769 | – | 1945 First Edition Catalog, 31 pages. Front cover is cream in color, drawing of a man and horse next to a lake, mountain in the background, and brown lettering. The catalog advertises holsters, ammunition belts, cartridge holders, scabbards, police equipment, fishing baskets, chaps, reins, saddles, and more. Stapled. The George Lawrence Company Leather Sporting Goods and Saddles mail ordering catalog with prices, |
2010.10.770 | – | The George Lawrence Company Leather Sporting Goods and Saddles mail ordering catalog, with prices, 1945 – 1946 Edition, 48 pages. Front cover is cream in color, drawing of a man and horse next to a lake, mountain in the background, and brown lettering. The catalog advertises holsters, ammunition belts, cartridge holders, scabbards, police equipment, fishing baskets, chaps, reins, saddles, harnesses, stirrups cinchas, waxed cotton lariat, brushes and more. Pages are held together with three staples. The 1945 Wholesale Price list is printed on green paper, 10 pages, in center of the catalog. |
2010.10.771 | – | 1947 Lawrence Leather Line Catalog, First Edition, 90th Anniversary, The front cover has a picture of a wool blanket hanging below underneath a window, saddle, bridle, with a view of cattle and hills. The catalog advertises holsters, ammunition belts, cartridge holders, scabbards, police equipment, fishing baskets, chaps, reins, saddles, harnesses, saddle pocket, and more. Pages are held together with two staples. |
2010.10.772 | – | 1947 Lawrence Russet Harness Leather Products, 1947, 90th Anniversary Supplement, 8 pages. The cover is cream in color brown print, picture of two horses with the Old Ironsides Harness. In addition to the harnesses, the catalog advertises collars, halters, bridles, team lines, bellybands, chin and breast straps, traces, hobbles, high climbers belts, lumber pilers apron, car loaders overshoes, long pads, leg straps and pads, and pack outfits. Handwritten numbers on the front cover reads: 1947. |
2010.10.773 A-B | – | 1948 Lawrence Leather Line Catalog, 91st Anniversary. New factory catalog. The cover has a colored picture of a saddle, harness, wool blanket and window with a scenic view. The catalog advertises holsters, ammunition belts, cartridge holders, scabbards, police equipment, fishing baskets, knife sheaths, chaps, reins, saddles, and saddle pockets. A note explaining the dealer discount is printed on pink paper and glued to the last page. Pages are held together with two staples. 2010.10.773 A measures 8.5625 inches x 5.75 inches x .0625. Black handwritten on the front cover reads: Feb. 25 48 New Factory Catalogu. 2010.10.773 B measures 8.75 inches x 5.5625 inches x .0625 inch. The cover is has brighter color tone. |
2010.10.774 | – | 1948 -1949 Lawrence Sporting Goods Leather Line Dealer Catalog. The cover is cream in color and brown lettering, plain cover. The catalog advertises holsters, ammunition belts, cartridge holders, scabbards and slings, fishing baskets and rod holders, knife sheaths, police billies, duck straps, reins,saddles, and halters. Various types of belts for ammunition, riders belts, and regular belt for pants. |
2010.10.775 | – | 1941 First Edition Catalog, Leather Sporting Goods and Saddles, 32 pages. Front cover is cream in color, drawing of a man and horse next to a lake, mountain in the background, and brown lettering. Advertises holsters, ammunition belts, cartridge holders, scabbards, shot gun case, police equipment and billies, fishing baskets, chaps, reins, saddles, belts and hat bands. Stapled. The catalog is mailer that would have been sent to customers, The George Lawrence Company |
2010.10.776 | – | 1949 Lawrence Russet Harness Leather Products, 92nd Anniversary Supplement, 1949. The catalog is cream in color with brown lettering, two horses wearing the Old Ironsides Harness. The mailer catalog advertises harnesses, collars, straps, traces, team breeching, halters, bridles, hobbles, high climbers belts, lineman’s safety belt and strap, long pads, leg pads and straps, and car loaders over shoes. Pages are held together with two staples. A white paper, with Dealer Discounts ranging from 20% to 30%, is stapled to the upper right corner, measures 5.6875 inches x 4.25 inches. Depth is less that .0625 inch. |
2010.10.777 | – | 1949 Lawrence Saddlery Catalog, 16 pages, and price list. Cream colored pages. The cover has a horse with a saddle. An orange paper, with Dealer Discounts, is stapled to the top of the front page measures 5.5 inches x 4.125 inches. Catalog advertises gear for horses including saddles, spur leathers, saddles parts, riding accessories, martingales, breast collars, chaps, halters reins, brush, comb, blankets, bits, stirrups, tapaderos, and riffle scabbard. The receipt names types on an address label reads: Paul Mayhew 1611 N. Main St. Royal Oak, Mich. Pencil handwritten text on front page reads: left no add (illegible). A purple return to sender stamp for unclaimed mail. |
2010.10.778 | – | 1950 Lawrence Leather Sporting Goods Catalog, 12 pages. The mailer catalog is cream in color with black print. The front cover has a drawing of a rifle in a scabbard, pistol in a gun belt, leaning against a log, mountains and trees in the background. The catalog advertises holsters, handcuff pouch, billie, cartridge holders and cases, cartridge belts, knife sheaths, belts fishing baskets, rod holder, gun scabbards and slings. Blue colored stamp ink on front cover reads: PLEASE ADD 20% TO ALL PRICES IN THIS CATALOG, |
2010.10.779 | – | 1950 Lawrence Saddlery Catalog, 16 pages, with a price list dated August 1, 1950. Cream colored pages. Drawing of a horse on the front cover. Catalog advertises gear for horses including saddles, spur leathers, saddles parts, riding accessories, martingales, breast collars, chaps, halters, reins, brush, comb, blankets, bits, stirrups, tapaderos, holster and cartridge belt. Depth is less than .0625 inch. Handwritten number, in blue ink, on the front cover reads: 1950. |
2010.10.780 | – | 1950 Lawrence Russet Harness Leather Products, 93rd Anniversary Supplement y, 6 pages. Creme colored pages and brown lettering. The front cover has a drawing of two horses in the Old Ironsides Harness. The mailer catalog advertises logging and lumber mill equipment for horses. Harnesses, web back strap, team breeching, halters, bridles, hobbles, high climbers belts, lineman’s safety belt and strap, long pads, leg pads and straps, car loaders over shoes, lumber pliers apron, and pack outfits supplies. Two staples are used to hold pages together. Depth is less than 0625 inch. |
2010.10.781 | – | (#52) Lawrence Leather Sporting Goods Catalog, No. 52, 12 pages. Creamy-yellow colored pages. The front cover has a man and horse drinking water, from a stream. Also, a note from the Lawrence Company. A sketch of a man on a bucking horse, pistol in a holster, and a cartridge belt on the back cover. The catalog advertises holsters, a police billie, handcuff pouch, cartridge belts and cases, scabbards, belts, fishing baskets, knife sheaths, dice cup, rifle sling, and fishing rod holder. Depth is less than .0625 inch. |
2010.10.782 | – | 1951 Lawrence Saddlery Catalog Supplement NO. 1, 4 pages. Creamy, yellow in color with black and brown lettering. The front page has a picture of a man being thrown from a bucking horse. The retail price list, dated June 1, 1951, is printed on green paper, 3 pages, with printing on one side, stapled together with one staple, measures 11 inches x 8.5 inches. The catalog advertises six new saddles: The La Grande, The St. Paul, The San Fernando, The Caldwell, The Jack Lynch, The Boise. The depth is less than .0625 inch. |
2010.10.783 | – | Lawrence Sporting Goods Catalog, 208 pages. Red Cover with white lettering that is surrounded in black. |
2010.10.784 A-B![]() |
– | (#53) Lawrence Leather Sporting Goods Catalog No. 53. Date not listed. Tan colored cover, brown print, 12 pages, with a holster grouping list on page 12. Cover image of a man on a bucking horse, in the background, and a cartridge belt, pistol and holster in the foreground. The catalogs advertises holsters, a police billie, a handcuff pouch, cartridge belts and cases, scabbards, rifle slings, belts, fishing baskets, knife sheaths, dice cup, and fishing rod holder. Click here to view PDF: 1952 Catalog 53 #2010_10_784_A |
2010.10.785 | – | (#53) Catalog No. 53 for Lawrence Saddlery, 12 pages. Cream colored pages with black lettering. The Phoenix Pride saddle is on the front cover. Advertises twenty-one saddles, headstalls and reins. |
2010.10.786 | – | The George Lawrence Co. Custom Made Saddle Leather Accessories for Shooters, Catalog No. C-55, 123 pages. The mailer catalog is a creamy yellow color, with brown lettering. Part of the print on the cover reads: Custom made SADDLE LEATHER ACCESSORIES FOR SHOOTERS Catalog No. C-55. Handwritten numbers, in blue ink, on the cover reads: 1955 . Price list, effective February 1, 1956, is printed in black print, on greenish yellow paper, one page, measures 10.6875 inches x 8. 3125 inches. |
2010.10.787 A – B![]() |
– | 1957 (#57) Lawrence Centennial Edition Leather Sporting Goods, Catalog No. 57, 16 pages. The leather-looking cover is a light tan color with red lettering celebrating 100 years of distinguished leather craftsmanship. The cover picture shows two covered wagons, with two men, and one woman. Handwritten numbers, with pencil, in the upper right corner of the front cover reads: 1957. Advertises holsters, holster belts, a police billie, a handcuff pouch, cartridge belts and cases, scabbards, rifle slings, belts, gadget bag, fishing baskets, knife sheaths, dice cup, fishing rod holder, duck slings, dog collars, harnesses and leashes. Click here to view PDF: 1957 Catalog-C57#2010_32_787_A |
2010.10.787 B![]() |
– | 1957 (#C-57) Lawrence Centennial Edition Catalog C-57. Light cream in color with light brown lettering. Click here to view PDF: 1957 Catalog-57#2010_32_787_B |
2010.10.788 | – | 1958 Lawrence Catalog C-58, Custom-Made Saddle, Leather, Shooting Accessories, 18 pages, mailer. The catalogs advertises holsters, a police billie, a handcuff pouch, cartridge belts and cases, scabbards, rifle slings, belts, fishing baskets, knife sheaths, dice cup, fishing rod holder, sport belts, duck slings, trophy buckles. Also, Sterling Silver, hand engraved buckle sets, Mail ordering for customers. Light cream colored with brown lettering. |
2010.10.789 | – | 1960 (#60) Lawrence Saddlery and Leather Goods, Catalog No. 60, 14 pages. The cover is light cream in color with black and gray lettering. Saddles, pack outfits, head and reins, hackamore bit, halters, hobbles, cow and sheep bell straps, hame straps, Lawrence high climber belts and leg straps, saddle pockets, lumber pilers apron, car loaders over shoes, strap buckles, snaps, ferrier tools, horseshoes, animal grooming equipment, larriet rope, and saddles blankets. Depth is less than .0625 inch. |
2010.10.790 A | – | 1961 (#C-61) George Lawrence Co. Leather Shooting Goods, Catalog No. C-61, 20 pages. Orange cover with black lettering, diamond pattern border, Lawrence logo in white, centered on cover. |
2010.10.790 B | – | Lawrence Leather Shooting Goods, Catalog 61,The front cover is orange with black lettering, with a diamond border design around 3 edges. The back cover has a picture of the Lawrence factory and globe of the world. Price list, effective March 1, 1961. Staple bound. Products include: holsters, police billie, handcuff pouch, cartridge belts, ammunition cases, scabbards, rifle slings,holster belts, fishing baskets, knife sheaths, buckle sets, arm band and slings, sportsman gadgets bag, pistol clip pockets, dice cup, and fishing rod holder. |
2010.10.791 A | – | 1965 Lawrence Fine Leather Goods, Catalog No. 65, 20 pages. The front cover has brown lettering, a light brown floral design of leaves and four flowers. Depth is less than 0.625 inch. |
2010.10.791 B | – | 1965 Lawrence Fine Leather Goods, Catalog No. 65, 20 pages. The cover is created from stiff paper. The front cover has a flesh tones hue, brown lettering, a light brown floral design of leaves and four flowers. Depth is less than 0.625 inch. |
2010.10.792 A | – | 1965 Lawrence Fine Leather Goods, 20 pages. Light cream colored cover with pictures of pistol, in a leather holster, four bullets, and a design resembling a flower. The has a stiff cover. Purple stamped ink in on the front cover reads: PLEASE ADD 10 PERCENT INCREASE TO PRICES SHOWN IN THE CATALOG. The catalogs advertises holsters, pistol cases, a police billie, billie club carrier, handcuff pouch, cartridge belts and cases, scabbards, rifle slings, holster belts, knife sheaths, Sterling silver hand carves buckles sets, target shooter’s arm band and sling, duck slings, sportsman field bag, saddle pockets, and pistol clip pockets. |
2010.10.793 A-B![]() |
– | 1967 (#110) George Lawrence Co. Leather Goods Catalog, No. 110, 24 pages. Cover duo-tone brown with close-up of a man’s hip wearing a holster. Products include: holsters, pistol cases, police billie, billie club carrier, handcuff pouch, cartridge belts and cases, scabbards, rifle slings, holster belts, knife and camp ax sheaths, buckles sets and trophy buckle, arm band, duck slings, sportsman field bag, saddle pockets, Lawrence bandoleer, and pistol clip pockets. Click here to view PDF – 1967 Catalog 110 #2010_10_793_A-B |
2010.10.794 A-B | – | (#114) Lawrence Fine Leather Goods Catalog No. 114. Both covers have a photograph of man holding a rifle, a pipe in the mouth and an orange colored,wood grain background. Also, a leather holster belt, holster, and pistol. A cover letter with the for the new Catalog No. 114 announcing new products and size charts. 2010.10.794 A: 24 pages; 10.5 inches x 8 inches x less than .0625 inch. Order form on page 15. 2010.10.794 B: 25 pages; 10.5 inches x 8 inches x .0625 inch. The cover is made from stiff paper, the color is brighter than 2010.10.794 A, and even coloring throughout front cover. The inside cover has a page that folds out with a chart for in-stock belts, cartridge cases and slides, and other in-stock Lawrence products. Page 1 is a chart of in-stock holsters. Lawrence holster size numbers chart is on Page 24. Lawrence size selector chart is on Page 25. The catalogs advertises holsters, pistol cases, a police billie, billie club carrier, handcuff pouch, cartridge belts and cases, scabbards, rifle slings, holster belts, leather shotgun carrier, knife sheaths, Sterling silver hand carves buckles sets, target shooter’s arm band and sling, duck slings, sportsman field bag, saddle pockets, Lawrence Bandoleer, cylinder pouch, and pistol clip pockets. |
2010.10.795 | – | 1978 (#121) Lawrence a tradition of Excellence, Catalog No. 121, 24 pages. The front cover has white lettering on a dark brown background. Also, a leather holster, cartridge holder on a belt, and leather tools. A price list printed on one light brown piece of paper, with the effective date of January 1, 1978, accompanies the catalog. |
2010.10.796 A-B | – | 1974 (#117) Lawrence Fine Leather Goods, Catalog No. 117, 25 pages. The cover has an orange background, a snow covered mountain, three horsemen, one has rifle in his hands while kneeling next to a deer. The cover is a stiff paper. Hand written text, with blue ink, in the upper right corner of the top page reads: 1974 Retail catalog. 2010.10.796.A 2010.10.796 B: Same cover as 2010.10.796 A except the cover is a lightweight paper. Hand written text, with blue ink, in the upper right corner of the top page reads: 1974 Retail catalog. Also, in the folder are two price lists, both have an effective date of November 1, 1973. One price list is printed on two pages with an order form, the other list is printed 2-sided on one lime green paper. Both price lists measures 9.75 inches x7.3125 inches. |
2010.10.797 | – | 1982 (#125) Lawrence Catalog No. 125, 19 pages. The cover is white with black lettering, has an assortment of leather working tools and the hand of someone carving a design on leather. The back cover has a place for the mailing label. catalog price is $2.00. Inside the front cover of the catalog is a price list,with an effective date of April 1, 1982. Also, in folder 20 is a price with an effective date of March 1, 1984, printed on green paper. Both price lists are 10.5 inches x 8 inches, prices printed on two page plus an order form. |
2010.10.798 | – | 1987 Lawrence One Hundred and Thirty Years of Excellence, Catalog No. 130 23 pages. The cover is a burnt orange color with white lettering, picture of a mallet, Lawrence stamp, and an unidentified leather working tool. Two price lists, one is orange with black lettering, and one is pale yellow with black lettering, one page with print on both sides. Both price lists have effective dates of August 1, 1987 and measure 10.5 inches x 7.9375 inches. |
2010.10.799 | – | 1998 Lawrence Leather Company, Inc. Supplemental Catalog 131 LE, 16, pages. The catalog introduces the new “Phoenix Series” product lines which includes Hanson’s Holsters and Orca . The cover is light gray in color with black lettering, black and gray pictures of different items for sale in catalog. The product are geared towards law enforcement. The depth of catalog is less than 0.0625 inch. The retail price list has an effective date of June 1, 1988, is printed on light gray paper with black lettering, on one side, and measures 11 inches x 8.5 inches. |
2010.10.800 | – | Lawrence Harness Fall Specials dealer mail order catalog, 4 pages, folds open 21 inches x 14 inches. Catalog advertises harnesses, traces, sheep and cow bells, team lines, sweat pads, Neatslene Harness Oil, team breeching gear, belly straps, hip straps, crupper docks, halters, bridles, and breast straps. Depth of catalog is less than 0.0625 inch. A 50 percent off coupon, printed on orange paper measuring 6.25 inches x 3.5 inches, is including with the catalog. |
2010.10.801 | – | A total of six items in the folders. 1) 1990 Lawrence Western and Sporting Leather, Catalog No. 133, six pages, catalog prices $2.00. Front cover has picture of a gun in a leather holster, laying on tiny, brown pebbles. All pages are printed in color. Items advertised in catalog include holsters, rifle slings, rifle scabbards, cartridge belts and holders. Handwritten text, in blue ink, on the inside of the cover reads: Rec. 9-4-90. Handwritten text, in blue ink, on the back cover reads: 1990 133 yrs. since 1857. Catalog depth is less than .0625 inch. 2) A business card from Gould & Gould. 3) Lawrence price list, prices has an effective date of January 1990, 6 pages, printed on light gray colored paper, measures 11 inches x 8.5 inches. The printing on the business card reads: Gould & Gould E. McNeil Street P.O. Drawer 1479, Lillington, NC. 27546 919-893-2071 800-833-1440 FAX 919-893-4742 “”Chip” C. Ide, Jr. The card measures 3.5 inches x 1.9375 inches, green print on a cream colored card. 4) The note measures 5 inches x 4.25 inches, is hand written on the back of a prescription form from the Devers Memorial Eye Clinic in Portland, Oregon. Comment is a note regarding the closing of G&C office in Portland. “Chip would help promote G & G products. Handwritten numbers on the note and price list reads: 3-26-1990. Items 1, 2, and 3 are staples together. 5) A Lawrence Leather Company holster size guide, with effective date of August 1990, 3 pages, printed on white paper. 6) Lawrence retail price list printed on orange paper, 6 pages. Handwritten numbers on the price list reads: 3-26-1990. 7) Letter from Bill Lawrence of Lawrence Leather Co. to Chip, dated 9-6-1990, regarding the printing issues in catalog, in this record. |
2020.18.1 | – | Mail-order catalog, Lawrence Leather Goods, Catalog No. 110. 24 pages, Brown sepia tone cover of a man wearing a leather holster, orange accent type. Product line features holsters, knife sheaths, etc. Copyright MCMLXVII (1967). |
2023.37.01 | – | (#10) Wholesale trade sales catalog for retailers of leather goods, George Lawrence Company, Portland, Oregon. Black leather cover, 286 pages. |
2023.37.03 | – | (#11) Hatters and Bootblack Supplies, Catalog No. 11. 28 pages. Wholesale sales catalog for retailers of leather goods, George Lawrence Company, 80-82-84-86 First Street, Portland, Oregon. Tan paper cover with orange and black ink. |
2023.37.04 | – | (#12) Leather sporting goods catalog No. 12, wholesale manufacturer sales catalog of leather goods, George Lawrence Company, 80 to 86 First Street, Portland, Oregon. Jobbers of saddlery hardware, leather, shoe findings, shoe machinery, hatters and boot black supplies. Automotive accessories, top trimmers supplies, trunks, suit cases and hand bags. Extremely poor condition. Metal screws on left have remnants of green cover material under them. Screws are badly rusted, pages torn, stained and creased. 66 pages. |
2023.37.05 | – | (#16) Shoe repairers and shoe store supplies, wholesale sales catalog for retailers of leather goods, George Lawrence Company, Portland, Oregon. Green cover with illustration of shoes and man in front of white square background. Hole drilled at top left. Overall condition good, with moderate soiling stains. 66 pages. |
2023.37.07 | – | 1928, It’s time for Fish Stories again, Season 1928, wholesale sales catalog for retailers of fishing and leather goods, George Lawrence Company, Portland, Oregon. 16 pages, white cover printed with black, red and green ink. Overall condition good. Some dirt soiling, lower right corner of cover is bent. |
2023.37.08 | – | (# 25) General catalog no. 25, Harness, Saddlery, leather sporting goods, luggage. Wholesale sales catalog for retailers of leather goods, George Lawrence Company, Portland, Oregon. Green cover printed with orange and black ink. Hole drilled in upper left corner. Photo illustration of three horses pulling a wagon, caption reads: Fire Department Float in Portland Rose Festival – Photography by Ralph Vincent. Overall good condition, some soiling, bottom right corner bent and frayed. |
2023.37.10 | – | 1935 Harness and saddlery catalog. White paper cover, with brown and black ink. Cover photo of three horses in harness, caption reads: Honest horse power – farm bred – farm fed. Lawrence harness on good horses will cut production consts. Our written guarantee of quality on each set. This harness is made of solid oak-tanned leather. It is unconditionally guaranteed for one year against flaws in material or workmanship. Staple binding, 32 pages, hole drilled in top left corner. George Lawrence Company, Portland, Oregon, since 1857. Good condition, minor soiling |
2023.37.11 | – | 1938 Harness and Saddlery wholesale sales catalog for retailers of leather goods, George Lawrence Company, Portland, Oregon. Printed on white paper, orange and black ink, 8 pages on newsprint, staple binding. Illustration of two horses in harnesses. Orange highlight reads: Now sold on easy monthly payment plan, see inside for details. Condition is fair, heavy crease in center, tears on spine, soiling, frayed edges. |
2023.37.12 | – | 1938 Harness & Saddlery catalog 1938, wholesale sales catalog for retailers of leather goods, Front of catalog has headline that reads: Big news for dealers – Lawrence no sells on time payment plan. Black and orange ink, printed on cream colored paper. 32 pages, staple binding. George Lawrence Company, Portland, Oregon. Condition is fair, multiple tears on spine and lower left corner, soiling. |
2023.37.13 | – | 1942 (#40) Lawrence Leather Line, Catalog No. 40, Saddles, Sporting Goods, Harness. wholesale sales catalog for retailers of leather goods, George Lawrence Company, Portland, Oregon. Date written in pencil on cover reads First 2/16/42. Red cover, black ink, white illustration of saddle in center. 68 pages, bound spine, Hole drilled in upper left corner. |
2023.37.14 | – | Leather goods, sporting goods, dog furnishings, gents’ body belts, puttees, portfolios, novelties. Wholesale sales catalog for retailers of leather goods, George Lawrence Company, 80-82-84-86 First Street, Portland, Oregon. Brown paper, dark brown ink on cover, hand written note reads: Catalogue room. 64 pages. |
2023.37.16 | – | 1959 (#58) Lawrence Leather Sporting Goods Catalog No. 58, wholesale sales catalog for retailers of leather goods, George Lawrence Company, Portland, Oregon. Printed black ink on orange cover, bound spine. Sticker on front announces price increase of 10% effective April 15, 1959. Handwritten name on top reads W.C. Lawrence. 20 pages. |
2023.37.17 | – | (#65) Lawrence fine leather goods since 1857, No. 65. Wholesale sales catalog for retailers of leather goods, George Lawrence Company, Portland, Oregon. Black and brown ink on cover, border detail of floral pattern used to emboss on saddles. 18 pages plus cover. |
2023.37.18 | – | (#12) Sporting Goods Catalog, Wholesale sales catalog for retailers of leather goods, George Lawrence Company, Portland, Oregon. Cover brown paper, printed with black, orange and green ink. Cover is an illustration of two men golfing, two women watching, possible 1930s. Cat. #12 written in pencil. Pages 13-56, missing pages 1-12. |
2023.37.19 | – | Lawrence Saddles and Chaps. Cover text reads: The West’s Best since 1857, Ranch, Tourist, Vacationist Supplement. Printed on white paper, with black and orange ink. Cover has illustration sketch of a cowboy on a horse at crest of a hill, orange sunburst pattern in background. Wholesale sales catalog for retailers of leather goods, George Lawrence Company, 80 to 86 First Street, Portland, Oregon. 16 pages. Cover has tear and bent corner lower left. |
2023.37.20.A-B | – | 1932 (#13) Sporting Goods Catalog (A), wholesale sales catalog for retailers of leather goods, George Lawrence Company, Portland, Oregon. Text on cover reads: “75 years of successful merchandising”, which would date it to 1932. Catalog #13. Green cover printed with green, orange and black ink. Staple binding, 62 pages. Cover illustration of a man fishing with Mt. Hood in background, border silhouettes of men golfing, hunting, polo, staple binding, 62 pages. Black ink stains on top left. One page paper insert (B) advertises Hunting knife sheaths, with instructions “Please insert this in Sporting Goods Catalog between pages 26 and 27.” |
2023.37.21 | – | Lawrence catalog of Saddles and Cowboy equipment. Wholesale sales catalog for retailers of leather goods, George Lawrence Company, Portland, Oregon. Cover printed on white paper with brown and orange ink. Illustration of a cowboy on a horse with raised lariat, chasing a cow. 64 pages, bound. |
2023.37.22 | – | 1929 Lawrence Harness Sales flyer for retailers of leather goods, George Lawrence Company, Portland, Oregon. Cover has illustration of cowboy in chaps, with a farmer driving two horses in harness pulling a wagon in background. White cover, brown, black and orange ink. Text reads: The West’s Best for 72 years (which would date it to 1929), Lawrence Harness. Your Name Here Town and State (Flyer would be intended to have retailer’s name imprinted in that spot). 16 pages, includes cover. Staple binding. |
2023.37.23 | – | Lawrence Leather Line, wholesale sales catalog for retailers of leather goods, George Lawrence Company, Portland, Oregon. 12 pages plus cover. Missing pages, should have numbered 16. Page 5-6 has a section cut out. Cover is a four-color print of a Lawrence saddle and tack photograph, in front of a window showing a dry ranch landscape. Handwriting on cover reads: Supl. Saddle Factory. |
2023.37.24 | – | 1965 Lawrence Fine Leather Goods since 1857. Wholesale sales catalog for retailers of leather goods, George Lawrence Company, Portland, Oregon. Cover shows a revolver inserted in a holster embossed with initials J.G., with 5 bullets below. Orange burst design in background. 20 pages. Cover is noticeably stained along bottom edge. Copyright MCMLXV listed on back. |
2023.37.25 | – | Cover missing, pages in poor condition. First page Lawrence Holster group listing, cut out and glued on another page (probably the cover). Lots of hand-written notes made by William Lawrence. Wholesale sales catalog for retailers of leather goods, George Lawrence Company, 306-316 SW First Avenue, Portland 4, Oregon. Staple bound, 10 pages. Overall poor condition, torn and frayed edges on spine. |
2023.37.26 | – | Lawrence Harness, Quality Does Count! Wholesale sales catalog for retailers of leather goods, George Lawrence Company, Portland, Oregon. Printed on white cover, with black and orange ink. Cover illustration shows three horses wearing harnesses, pulling a load up a hill, fencepost on left. Condition is fair, bottom edges torn and bent, stains and soiling.16 pages. |
2023.37.27.A-B | – | (#114) Lawrence fine leather goods since 1857. Wholesale sales catalog for retailers of leather goods, George Lawrence Company, Portland, Oregon. (A) 24 pages including cover. (B) Fold out guide to in-stock cartridge cases & slides, belts, and holsters. 26 pages including cover. Both have identical artwork on cover, woodgrain background, photo of a gun in a holster, and a vintage photo of a man smoking a pipe, holding a rifle in the background. |
2023.37.28.A-B | – | 1970-1977 (#117) Lawrence fine leather goods since 1857. Wholesale sales catalog for retailers of leather goods, George Lawrence Company, 306 SW 1st Ave., Portland, Oregon. Catalog No. 117, copyright MCMLXX (1970). Cover printed with 4-color illustration of three men, two on horseback, one hunter kneeling next to a dead deer, Mountain peak in background. (B) Price List effective Jan. 1, 1977, Catalog No. 117. Printed on blue paper. |
2023.37.29.A-B | – | 1985 (#125) Lawrence, a tradition of excellence since 1857. Sales catalog for retailers of leather goods, George Lawrence Company, 1435 Northrup St., Portland Oregon 97209. White cover with 4-color photo print of leather embossing tools and hands embossing leather. Catalog No. 125, $2.00. 20 pages including cover. (B) Price list inserted dated Sept. 1, 1985. Note address change to Northrup St. Old Price List hand written on price list insert. |
2023.37.30.A-C | – | 1987 (#130) One hundred and thirty years of excellence. Wholesale sales catalog for retailers of leather goods, George Lawrence Company, 1435 N.W. Northrup St., Portland, Oregon 97209. Cover printed in four-color, with photograph of an embossing mallet, and embossing tools, on top of a leather surface embossed with the Lawrence logo. Two price lists (B-C) were inserted inside, with the date Jan. 1, 1987, catalog 130. 24 pages including cover. (B) has handwriting that reads “Pete’s List”. |